Wednesday, January 30, 2008

of idiolunaC.

skated/cycled on sat with histh0n peeps.(ridiculously,boliaoly) short,but nice to see the few of them.hitched a ride back west,courtesy of docmok,hah.
cycled on sun with bui,yan,qq,bestie and legend.ka chng pain.legs (really) not sour.neway.glad i joined, at least i got to see the epilogue of drifting legend,haha.
met up at ac1d bar for bui's bday.1 year ago,no one would've,no one knows more flowermonk!!oops,that kinda also means i wun be jio-ing 0pt for commisera-drinks liao.
midweek,and its like a mon liao.uber sian.went thru a course i dunno nuts about (and thats after the course).
uber sian.should i be irresponsible?tempted...
itchy hands.


::jenn:: said...

What is flower monk?!?!?!?

BLoOdY HeLL said...

erm..hua he shang?

Anonymous said...

er.. i don't quite understand... u got hitched or something? how come cannot drink?

BLoOdY HeLL said...

err..haha,as i've explained over msn the other night..n not cannot,is dun want to.diff :)

Yan said...

my dear sam is always strange. :) but we like it!!! LOL.