Wednesday, December 10, 2008


hmm,aftermath..should i want more?i should be able to feel pretty happy with 203,considering the lack of proper preparations..still,its so close to a sub2,tsk...neway just read some threads on the forum,can understand the pissed-off-ness of having a blockade in front of the end..but oso reminded of the nonsenseness of some people.o well..plan to do HM then FM next year ba.plan.

1st carolling gig this year was pretty ok...need to work on the songs more though..

lost my interest in f0rce unleashed.chains 0f 0lympus still good though..mirr0r's edge is fun.maybe i'll get to play it next year.or the year after next,hah.

pineapple xpress and zack n miri are funny.wat else is there?hmm...

legs still sour on d-day+2.i prob lack animal an alterative,i want (the long) tights..x'mas present~~!! oops,speaking of which,still owe meng his reefs.and mag her card.i'm in debt. :(