Friday, February 10, 2006

rojak...dammit,metaphor is contributing to hunger...

had another sandman a few days back,cloud...different from how i remember,haha..oh well,doesn't matter..

sigh,so come japan's 7-11 got yosh1k1 while we got taufick??kns...

dammit,hope it was work again..i dun wan swaymouth..

discovered sth about a fren today,surprised..maybe that's the reason for the life-loving?

ran a very short run just now...exciting,doing my best not to slip n thus tak glam(~clubber),haha...but dun think it was very productive...sianz,lousy rain..rained whole day le still rain at nite,kns...

was reading the forum for a particular mod, n i was thinking how come my perspective so drastically different from the not-so-distant-past,but after i read another mod's forum,i was kinda relieved cuz i was seeing things as i did in the not-so-distant-past,i.e. catch no ball,cheem stuff,etc...think the guy must have been cheated by some chiong academic or sth before, ah boh he's just excessively paranoid in the conspiracy theory mold...

sianz...midterm break coming soon...half the sem about to fly by...sianz..

memory is unreliable.memory is fallible.memory is fluid.
objectivity is an unattainable ideal.
the same actions in a different context has different meaning and significance.
truth is long as you believe something is,it is.

this fucking sucks.
no it doesn't,u r making it sucky for urself.stop blaming other people.
just cuz i make things sucky for myself doesn't mean this doesn't suck.n this was never about blame.

swearing heathens burn in hell.
wait,heathen doesn't work in this context..i'd need someone else for it to work.fuck.

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